VMware CMTY Podcast #626 – Introducing vSphere…

VMware CMTY Podcast #626 – Introducing vSphere 8: The Enterprise Workload Platform

VMware CMTY Podcast #626 – Introducing vSphere…

As organizations embrace cloud, they are beginning to turn a new chapter in the era of multi-cloud. Multi-cloud has quickly become the dominant deployment model. According to a 451 Research study, 75% of all enterprises have multi-cloud footprints (1). Many enterprises choose to run mission critical workloads on-premises to take advantage of data locality, predictable workload performance and low network latency. As larger masses of data accumulate in the enterprise, they tend to attract more local services and applications to minimize latency, increase throughput, and maximize workload performance. On this episode, our host Himanshu Singh, Director, vSphere Product Marketing, at VMware; will walk us through How Consumption model…Read More

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