The World Of 5G On VMware Telco Cloud Automation

5G on Telco Cloud Automation

VMware Telco Cloud Automation (TCA) is a unified orchestrator. It onboards and orchestrates workloads seamlessly from VM and container-based infrastructures

5G on VMware Telco Cloud Automation
Telco Cloud Automation Architecture
  • TCA Manager: TCA Manager connects with TCA-CP nodes through site pairing to communicate with the VIM. It posts workflows to the TCA-CP. TCA manager relies on the inventory information captured from TCA-CP to deploy and scale Kubernetes clusters.
  • TCA-Control Plane: The virtual infrastructure in the Telco edge, aggregation, and core sites are connected using the TCA-Control Plane (TCA-CP). TCA-CP provides infrastructure for placing workloads across clouds using TCA. It supports several types of Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM) such as VMware vCenter Server, VMware vCloud Director, VMware Integrated Open Stack, and Kubernetes. TCA connects with TCA-CP to communicate with the VIMs. TCA-CP is deployed as an OVA. The VIMs are cloud platforms such as VMware Cloud Director, vSphere, Kubernetes Cluster, or VMware Integrated OpenStack. A dedicated instance of TCA-CP is required for each non-Kubernetes VIM.
  • vCenter Server with Embedded Platform Service Controller (PSC): PSC is used for authentication and Single Sign-On (SSO) for TCA.
  • SVNFM: Any SOL 003 SVNFM can be registered with TCA. SOL is the compliance body for CSAR
  • NSX Manager: TCA communicates with NSX Manager through the VIM layer. A single instance of the NSX Manager can be used to support multiple VIM types.
  • vRealize Orchestrator: vRealize Orchestrator registers with TCA-CP and is used to run customized workflows for CNF onboarding and day 2 life cycle management.
  • RabbitMQ: RabbitMQ is used to track VMware Cloud Director and VMware Integrated OpenStack notifications and is not required for Telco Cloud Platform.

TCA-Manager Installation Steps

Right Click & Select “Deploy OVF Template”
Upload the OVF
Provide Name Of The VM
Select The ESXi Cluster
Review Details
Except The License Agrement
Select The Datastore
Select The Network
Provide Values
Provide Values To Customise The VM
Select The “Manager” From The Drop Down Button
Review The Information Provided
Power On The VM
Browse The https://FQDN:9443
Login With Admin Credentials
As This Appliance Is Deployed For Manager Role, Manage Is Already Selected.Click Continue
Provide License Key And Activate It
Select Your Geo Location
Connect With vCenter Server
Accept The Certificates
Configure SSO/PSC
Click Restart To Restart The Services
TCA-M Is Now Configured
Required Services Are Up And Running
vCenter Server Status
SSO Status

TCA-Control Plane Installation Steps

Upload The OVF
Enter The TCA CP Appliance Name
Select The ESXi Cluster
Review The Details
Accept The Agreement
Select The DataStore
Select The Network
Enter The Required Details
Enter The Required Details
Select The ControlPlane from The Drop Down Button
Review The Summary
Once The VM Is Deployed, Browse The https://FQDN Of CP:9443. Control Plane Is Already Selected
Enter The License And Activate It
Select Your Geo Location
Enter The Control Plane FQDN
Select The VIM. In Our Case,Its vCenter
Enter The vCenter Details
Configure SSO/PSC
Connect vRO Details In Case You Are Using vRO. You Can Skip This Section Also If Not Required
Enter The User Group
Click Restart To Restart The Services
You Can Integrate vRO From Configuration Tab As Well
vRO Is Integrated With TCA-CP

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